You can make a difference.
Point Hope is ready to partner with YOU.
You have many opportunities to invest your money, we realize. We appreciate the trust you grant to Point Hope to be good stewards and to wisely and transparently use the funds you entrust to us for saving lives, restoring hope, and providing purpose to lives without a voice, especially children.
General Fund
Your general fund donation allows us to work in partnership with you and with other organizations who are also seeking the most constructive solutions to help others help themselves to create sustainable life solutions.
totes of hope
The Totes of Hope for Teens is a designated donation for teens, youth, and babies in foster care to provide basic necessities, a few desired items, and a duffle bag to pack it all and keep it secure in--no more black garbage bags as they move from home to home.
Health & Wellness center
There are over 100,000 people living in the Gomoa-East District where Apra, a small village in the Central Region of Ghana is located. For these families, there is no fresh, running water; there is no hospital or even a medical clinic for wound care or emergencies; the malnourished rate for children is over 50%, yet there is no Nutrition Center for helping to feed these children, bringing them out of malnourishment and into a sustainable future; there is no community health center for basic immunizations and family planning education. Point Hope wants to change all that. We need your help.
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
Sammy's place: for chronically ill kids
Sammy Young D'zolali Rene, the son of Delilah, Point Hope's Founder, passed away from complications of Sickle Cell Anemia. He was born in Ghana, left in the streets as a toddler because of his disease, and suffered through life at an orphanage where his illness was not properly treated. When he came to live with his forever family in America, he promised to return and make a home for kids like him, so they would also have a place to belong. Point Hope wants to keep Sammy's promise. Please help us.
Make a Donation in Sammy's Memory