After 17 years leading her school in Accra, Lila has taken her passion and vision to a new location, Fodjoku (a village 3 hours outside of Accra in the Volta region). She is applying her passion and skills to open a much-needed preschool and vocational training school in her new village. Lila is starting this new venture with the preschool, and then expanding to include a vocational program to support women and men who want new skills and job opportunities. (The vocational education will offer trainings such as hairdressing, catering, dressmaking, and electricals as LCCF grows.)
Lila has acquired land and the support of her new village. In true Lila spirit, she has already made amazing progress. The preschool structure and washrooms have been built, certified by Ghana’s Board of Education, and the LCCF New Beginnings Preschool opened January 15, 2024. Thank you to ALL who made this possible!
She now needs our support to fuel the next phase - the Kitchen/Cafeteria-Social Hall and Vocational School!
Click below to donate and help build the Kitchen/Cafeteria - Social Hall.
$50,000 to construct the Kitchen/CAFETERIA-Social Hall and Vocational School
****Does your company match donations? If so, make sure your company specifies that the match is to be applied to “Point Hope’s program for Lila’s Childcare Foundation”. Email for support with your company match.****

Photos showing the progress Lila has made so far (May 2024):
2nd $50K Currently Underway - Kitchen/Cafeteria-Social Hall: ***To be constructed - Next
Vocational School: ***To be constructed.
Water Catchment System (from roof): To be attached to one of the existing polytanks for non-potable water use.
1st $50K RAISED****Preschool OPENED - 15th January, 2024! - Thank you to all who have helped this far!****
Classrooms: Completed
Washrooms: Completed.
Water Borehole: Completed (Thank you Church of Christ!)
*** Nutritional Land Use ***
Food grown to be used for school lunches. Excess sold to community members to raise funds for school operations sustainability.
Land Cleared and Planted: Cassava, Okru, Corn, bell pepper, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, onions, lettuce.
Chicken Coop: 200 chickens being raised for eggs and meat.
Phase 2 - Construction:

COMPLETE -Thank you!
· Purchase of the land (photo below of Lila receiving the official land documents)
· Transportation of the Library container to new school site
· Library foundation/roof built
· Storage - building built
· Transportation of school materials to new school site
· Transportation of Polytank for water
Phase 1 photos:

Early years: LCCF 2004-2021
In 2004 Lila Djaba started Lila’s Child Care Foundation (LCCF) in the courtyard of her Grandmother’s home on the outskirts of Accra, Ghana. Lila understood the importance of getting children off the streets and in school to give them a chance at a better life. LCCF outgrew that space and moved to the edge of a rock quarry where children worked along-side their parents cracking stones.
Over 17+ years, LCCF supported many children (approximately 100 students per term) with free uniforms, school supplies, clothing, school bags, shoes and many of the basic necessities in life. LCCF provided a basic education program from preschool to primary and, when possible, helped many to further their education.
early years photos:

Meet Lila Djaba
(Founder of Lila’s Child Care Foundation)
At 24 years of age, Lila Djaba founded Lila’s Child Care Foundation (LCCF) and committed her life to the youth of Ghana. She has overcome numerous challenges to keep LCCF going. In 2014 the MTN Ghana Foundation recognized Lila as a “Hero of Change” as she follows her heart’s calling.
Join us in helping Lila continue to provide opportunities for the youth of Ghana through the LCCF New Beginnings Preschool and Vocational Training Center.