Point Hope Chapters are being established throughout the United States. All it takes is compassionate people who will work with others to effect a change for the better in their local communities.
Point Hope Chapters can raise funds for local chapter events in the U.S., such as the POINT HOPE TEENISTA or POINT HOPE HOORAH!
They can also decide they aren't an "Event" Chapter and instead use funds raised to purchase totes and supplies for the POINT HOPE TOTES OF HOPE FOR TEENS or for the junior or younger version of that project for kids in foster care.
Perhaps a local Point Hope Chapter will decide to be a sewing circle or a knitting group that will make garments, blankets, hats for children or BEANIES 4 BABIES for Point Hope Ghana--that chapter could still be raising funds to cover the expense for supplies and shipping.
Another Point Hope Chapter may decide their interest is actually in providing support to the work of Point Hope Ghana. They want to raise enough money to send a child to school, provide fresh water, teach a family how to raise nutritious food and save nutrients while cooking, or help with skills training to give someone a sustainable future.
A Point Hope Chapter can be made up of all ages, interests, and backgrounds; it can be a church youth group, a civic club, friends looking for something rewarding to do, or a family wanting to spend quality time together doing something with a set purpose.
Point Hope Chapters
Delilah often has people contact her asking how they might volunteer or what they can do to help Point Hope to make a difference in their world. Obviously, cash donations are a huge part of what makes Point Hope a viable non-profit. Sometimes, however, persons want to do something more than just donate money; they want to give of themselves; their time and their talents. Establishing "Point Hope Chapters" across the nation will give them the chance to help Point Hope and to find local opportunities to serve and to give back to their own communities.
We want to encourage mentoring, taking quality time to show foster kids that there are other options, different opportunities and interests beyond the narrow world that they have been exposed to; to broaden their focus and worldviews; to make a difference in the lives of children--young people who are quite often forgotten voices, often quite simply forgotten, period.
It takes many hands to get an event, such as a Point Hope Teenista, coordinated and ready to go on the big day. You will be rewarded with feeling great at the end, but to properly execute it, you will want to have enough people involved to raise funds, confirm attendees, purchase gifts and supplies, and coordinate all the volunteers needed for the event (as well as set-up and tear-down duties).
The staff of Point Hope is ready to help you get going with YOUR Point Hope Chapter! Please contact us for further information at OnePerson@PointHope.org.